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Redemption Inc.

Abandoned by his mother at a McDonald's at the age of 10, Will Avila found a new family in a gang. By 16, he was convicted of a felony and spent the next decade in and out of prison. Released in 2013, he faced the daunting task of reintegrating into society, receiving 22 job rejections before being hired by Chipotle, where he quickly became a store manager. This experience inspired him to start Clean Decisions, a commercial cleaning company, in 2014.

Will's inclusion in the Unlocked Futures inaugural cohort marked a turning point. Supported by John Legend’s Free America and New Profit, he received entrepreneurship training, executive coaching, and a $50K grant. Clean Decisions now employs 20 full-time workers, all returning citizens. Will’s mission extends beyond business success to providing support and community for those reentering society.

Creative Approach

Will Avila’s story exemplifies the transformative power of entrepreneurship. His journey from a life of crime to becoming a successful business owner and community leader showcases the potential for redemption and the impact of support and opportunity for those reentering society. These are the kinds of stories we love—stories that illustrate the power of purpose and the importance of second chances. Through Will's story, Redemption Inc. underscores the profound impact of support and opportunity for those reentering society. This story demonstrates the power of purpose and the potential for change, even against overwhelming odds.


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